Word Count: ~305, Estimated Reading Time: About 1 Minutes, 31 Seconds.

So, I have decided to do a [Chesslocke][chesslocke] of Pokemon Blue.

Basically, this limits my run through of the game to catching only 16 pokemon: 1 King (starter), 1 Queen, 2 Bishops, 2 Rooks, 2 Knights, and 8 Pawns. The Rules for this Nuzlocke derivative would come into effect after I receive my 5 free Pokeballs from Professor Oak.

I have been dubbed Jalaini (pronounced like ha-la-i-ni) by two of my friends, who suggested the words “Jalapeno” and “Tortillini” for character names. This makes my rival’s name “Torpeno”.

My trainer ID is 47794, which means (according to the optional rule I am using) my starter is the Fire type, Charmander. As a theme, all of my pokemon will be named after spices. I named my charmander after one of my favorites: “Cinnamon”.

Cinnamon defeated Torpeno’s Squirtle fairly handily, though the rules of the Challenge were not yet in effect. We easily made it to Viridian City and back, to deliver Oak’s Parcel to him. In exchange, we recieved the high tech encyclopedia, Pokedex.

Excited and brave, we never ran from any pokemon who chose to challenge us during this time. On our way to scope out our goal, Victory Road, we once again ran into our rival. However, Torpeno had caught himself a Pidgey.

Luckily, the rules of the challenge were still not quite in effect. We had quite a difficult time beating this doubly strong combo, thought we did eventually come out on top.

Then, being the responsible kid I am, I ran back to tell on him to his grandfather, Professor Oak.

He gave me 5 pokeballs for my troubles, and the full rules of the challenge came into effect. Cinnamon, now level 11, and I set out that very minute, ready for whatever kind of adventure would unfold.

[chesslocke]: http://nuzlocke.wikia.com/wiki/Chesslocke “”