Word Count: ~346, Estimated Reading Time: About 1 Minutes, 44 Seconds.

About 10 (or, wow, 13 now… I am getting old) years ago, I stumbled upon ESR’s guide on learning to “Become a Hacker.” That link goes to the relevant section for this post, but if You are interested in becoming active with Your computer I recommend reading the entire thing.

It is a good thing I did. It set me on the right path, though I have chosen a very interesting way to follow it so far… I started with C++ and, though I have learned a great many concepts I would not have learned otherwise, it could easily be argued that I could have learned so much more had I started with a language such as Python. In fact, ESR himself says so, in that very article.

With my move mostly settled, I am able to (once again) renew my personal efforts in learning to design and implement programs. This article is meant to outline the various things I want to do; This is a sort of roadmap for my progress in this area. Of course, my own mileage may vary.

  1. Learn to use Java, Perl, Ruby and Lisp better.

    I have focussed far too much on C++, Python, and HTML/CSS these past few years (but mostly C++) and so, first on my list is to shore up my weaknesses in other commonly used languages.

  2. Learn more about constructing algorithms, designing programs, and implementing concepts from a language agnostic standpoint.

    Syntax is one thing, but the ideas behind a lot of programs (and translating those ideas into the syntax) is another, and a much more important one.

  3. Complete projects.

    No matter how small, insignigicant, or seemingly arbitrary, it is vital to both my motivation and my progress to actually finish projects, instead of abandoning them halfway through.

I will be posting on here a lot about the things I learn, in the hopes that doing so will further cement the information in my mind. Other than that, I should get coding.

  • Christopher