tl;dr: A nice little one-pot Oat Dish for Breakfast.

Before You Get Started…

It is always a good idea to set aside the things You will need for a dish before You begin to cook. I’ve broken this down into two lists, Items and Ingredients, which are below.


  • 1 Small Pot/Saucepan with lid
  • 1 Cup Measure
  • 2 Bowls
  • 1 Spatula
  • 1 Cup
  • 1 Fork


  • 1/2 Cup of Rolled Oats
  • 2 Tbsp of Romano Parmesian Cheese
  • 1 Veggie Burger Patty
  • 2 Eggs
  • Garlic Powder
  • Black Pepper
  • Cayenne Pepper
  • Salt
  • Cooking Oil

This recipe takes about 20-30 minutes to complete, due to the amount of prep. If You are quick, You could probably cut it down to around 15 minutes, start to finish.

The Main Course (Of Instructions)

  1. Put the Pan on Medium-High Heat. Spray the patty with cooking oil (or, if You are using non-spray oil, brush each side of it with oil), and put it in the pan. There will still be some sticking; the oil is there to help it cook more evenly.

  2. Making sure to flip the patty regularly, heat it all of the way through. When it begins to lose cohesion and fall apart, break it into small chunks and push them to one side of the pan, removing it from heat.

  3. Separate the egg whites from the yolks using Your preferred method, saving the yolks in the cup, and the whites in one of the two bowls. Add spices to the whites and whisk them with a fork. Return the pan to the heat.

  4. Add a small amount of oil to the bare part of the pan, and then add the egg whites. While they begin to cook, quickly clean the bowl the yolks were just in; You will need it again soon.

  5. Scramble the entire contents of the pan, making sure everything is once again heated through. Once done, transfer the contents of the pan to Your newly cleaned bowl. It is okay if some small bits are still stuck to the pan, but attempt to get as much out as possible.

  6. Add the water to the pan, raise the heat, and cover it until the water comes to a rolling boil. Add the oats. Cook for 5 minutes, stirring once every minute.

  7. When finished, add the bowl of eggs and patty to the pan, and then add some cheese on top. Stir, cover, and remove from heat for 3 minutes.

  8. Transfer the contents of the pan back into the same bowl as before. Sprinkle with salt and enjoy.

Clean Up

As You can see, there is a very small amount of clean up to be had. Obviously something needs to be done about the egg yolks (ice cream, medieval cookery, or the like), but You really only have 5 minutes of clean up here… And the water-bowl can just be dried and put away.

Nutritional Information

Using the same app I use to keep track of my own nutrition, I was able to come up with the following nutritional facts about this dish:

Carbohydrates: 39.8g - 159.2 calories - 42.66% of total Protein: 40.5g - 162 calories - 43.41% of total Fats: 6.5g - 52 calories - 13.93% of total

Total Calories: 373.2

Closing Remarks

If You have read this far, bravo. I only wish I had some way to reward You. But Maybe this is enough: Thank You very much for Your interest and Your time. I hope to see You again soon. Comments are always appreciated!
