tl;dr I discuss my own version of fitness: being active and aware of my body, both so that I do not neglect it, nor abuse it. I discuss my goals, both current and near-future. And I specifically outline a few things I am not very interested in persuing.

A Treadmill Score I Am Proud Of

I go to the gym three times a week.

This is, by far, the most notable change I have made in my life since 2014 rolled around; People notice I am gone, since it takes about an hour and a half of my day, including travel. I mostly rent a treadmill from them; I have free weights at home, and mostly use bodyweight exercises, anyway. But I have been able to notice an improvement to my running speed, and discuss it with people sometimes.

This leads, sometimes, to a question about my goals in fitness. Do I plan to actually run an 8k or a Marathon? How long am I going to cut calories? Do I just care about how I look, or do I want to compete?

Well, I wanted to answer these questions (and, have a platform for talking about my experiences with Proper Excercise, Proper Diet, and Proper Habits), and so I started this blog.

My physical lifestyle: I want to be aware of my body at all times, neither neglecting its needs nor abusing it, and keeping it active enough so that it does not fall apart but not so active that it… falls apart.

This extends to three main areas:

  1. Exercise/Physical Activity: I want to maintain some level of the commonly-thought-of idea of fitness. I just like how my body feels after it is used; it feels good to be active.

    Also, I have pretty bad asthma, and it gets worse when I am sedentary for too long. Heart Disease also runs in my family. Also, on a bit of a more personal level, I hate being too weak to do things.

    So, to combat all of these things, I must exercise… but I also know people who have been athletes for decades, and their bodies are falling apart at a relatively young age. So, I do not want to overdo it, either.

  2. Diet: No, not always cutting calories. I want to be aware of what I am consuming, though, so I will probably always (to the best of my ability, anyway) keep track of calories, carbohydrates, fats, and proteins that are in what I choose to eat.

    About a nine months ago I got really serious about losing some fat which I had gained when my grandmother was passing away. I will talk more about that in another article. To summarize here, though, I do not want to let my body get that out of hand again… but I also do not want to be a skeleton, either.

    Like in Exercise, I like being strong enough to do things and be healthy. I have no desires to be ultra muscled (or ultra thin), though.

  3. Habit: I have a really bad habit of not sleeping enough. I used to sleep only a couple of hours a night; I have worked on it and gotten it to an average of about 6. This is something I want to improve upon. Running at the gym is a habit I want to keep. Keeping track of my calories. Writing for my blogs.

    I used to hate habit, because I had seen some people use habit as an excuse not to adapt to life as it happens, instead choosing to cling to a rigid schedule.

    I am working on finding a balance with habits as well: Not so loose that I never consistantly do anything, but not so rigid that my day is ruined if I cannot make it happen. This is the hardest section for me.

In terms of my short term goals: I want to hit 180 lbs again. After I do that, I will probably attempt to build up some strength, though I am not sure on the specifics of the programs I will follow. I want to start sleeping 7.5 hours a night, and I want to start hiking, eventually (read: when the weather is warm again).

What I am not interested in: Team Sports, Running or Biking Competitions, Bodybuilding or Model-like Dieting, and Fad Diets. More on each of these later.

This is my Lifestyle.

See You Next Time,
