Word Count: ~230, Estimated Reading Time: About 1 Minute, 9 Seconds.

tl;dr: What this site is, and who I am.

First Favicon Image, Big Version

There are certain things univerally needed by human beings in order to live in this society. The two which came to my mind immediately were food and clothes. This blog is meant to help deal with those needs from a mostly DIY / low cost lifestyle perspective. On this blog, I intend to record:

  • Crochet Patterns I Use
  • Recipes and Cooking Techniques I Use
  • Other useful DIY Techniques I Use (especially those usable by most people without too much training)
  • Shopping lists (and info about food) that I Use
  • Maintenance techniques for various machines and items I Use
  • My own personal reflections as I go through life from this perspective

I am moving out in a few weeks. Content will likely pick up then, as I will be running a household with two friends instead of living in someone else’s household. This blog is meant to simplify that transition for me.

Do it Yourself.

  • Christopher