I have been blogging and maintaining personal websites for years.

My most recent foray has been, largely, a success: I have had 8 different blogs hosted by Blogger over the last two years. However, the downsides to this are twofold.

First, and foremost: I have Eight blogs. Content on all of them has been a trickle, mostly because I tend to focus on updating one or two of them instead of each one in succession. This balkanization of my blogging has been a big detrement to me for a while, so I recently decided that it might be smart to go down to one blog only… at least for a while.

Second… I write all of my posts using the markup language kramdown (which is really a dialect of [markdown][md]). Blogger supports posts written in only two formats: HTML, and their own “Rich Text Editor.”

What this means for me is that I have to compile my posts on my own computer before uploading them to the web. So, why put up with some of the annoyances of Blogger if I am doing static site generation anyway?

And so, I chose to move to Jekyll. It was quite a process, but that is a different post. I am very happy with it so far, and will update more on it as I begin to migrate everything over to it.

Hope it all goes smoothly from here on out.

  • Christopher