Resurgence of My Interest in (Game and Software) Development

Word Count: ~346, Estimated Reading Time: About 1 Minutes, 44 Seconds.

Pokemon Blue Chesslocke #000 - Tortellini, Jalapeno, and Cinnamon

Word Count: ~305, Estimated Reading Time: About 1 Minutes, 31 Seconds.

[chesslocke]: “”

Monday Multiplayer #0001 - Armagetron Advanced

Word Count: ~267, Estimated Reading Time: About 1 Minute, 20 Seconds.

Sunday Tabletop #0001 - Shadowrun Character Creation

Word Count: ~718, Estimated Reading Time: About 3 Minutes, 36 Seconds.

Saturday Renaissance #0001 - Bransle Pinagay

Bransle Pinagay in Modern Notation

Jekyll and Hyde: Moving from Blogger to Jekyll

I have been blogging and maintaining personal websites for years.

Welcome to Jekyll!

You’ll find this post in your _posts directory - edit this post and re-build (or run with the -w switch) to see your changes! To add new posts, simply add a file in the _posts directory that follows the convention: YYYY-MM-DD-name-of-post.ext.

Iced Tea

Word Count: ~482, Estimated Reading Time: About 2 Minutes, 25 Seconds.

Beat the Main story of Ultimate Ninja Storm 3!

1149 Words. Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes, 45 Seconds.

[Dragon Breed] is Awesome!

730 words. Estimated Reading Time: 3 Minutes, 39 Seconds.